Religious Education

Religious Education at Colgate
Our Curriculum Intent


Our children, will grow into citizens who have developed the skills and knowledge to understand the diverse range of religions within our local community. They will develop the knowledge and understanding that will allow them to ask and answer challenging questions about the ultimate meaning of life, beliefs about God and the expression of beliefs and cultural practices.


At Colgate, we want our children to develop an awareness and understanding of a range of faiths within our local community and the wider world. We want our children to respect others, their beliefs and help to challenge prejudice. At Colgate, our children will understand how religions can influence people’s daily routines and demonstrate respectful behaviour to people with different beliefs to their own.


At Colgate, we want our children to develop their sense of identify and belonging through self-awareness and reflection to allow our children to flourish as responsible citizens in our community. Our children will be confident in sharing their beliefs with others and to consider their responsibilities to themselves and others. We want them to explore how they might contribute to their communities and to wider society, encouraging empathy, generosity and compassion, whilst always showing an understanding of the multi-cultural society we live in.


Please note our curriculum colour, to support the children's learning in RE is purple.